“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:1-2)
Yesterday’s devotional looked at how Paul was participating in the life of Jesus; today’s turns the focus to our participation with Christ in His suffering and how we are to live it out. Unity is the key repeated theme in this section: stand firm in one spirit, one mind, having the same love in full accord. Put others and their interests first.
Nita and I are currently in the middle of a home purchase negotiation. Yes, it is a difficult and interesting process during the current health and financial crisis, but what has stood out more is our unity through this process. We have always been pretty good about being on the same page with things, but God has given us a seemingly supernatural bond of unity. He has also very clearly steered this process, making it clear that this is something He wants us to follow through.
As we unify with Christ, the church (His body of believers) will visibly become more unified. This can be seen in both local and global contexts. We have seen this is our church for the last couple of years, specifically, where we have witnessed and enjoyed a familial unity that has led to significant deepening of people’s faith as well as a growth of those who are seeking real unity in Christ.
How have you seen unity in your life with other people as a result of your focus on the deeper life with Jesus?