Look Out: The Good and Beautiful Community

What narrative “image” of church did you bring into the present from your past?

Look In: the Good and Beautiful Life

What makes for a good foundation for a happy and fulfilled life?

Motherhood is a Calling

“Motherhood is not a hobby; it is a calling.”

I’M IN! but …I don’t want to end up like most Christians I know

If the Resurrection is powerful, AND IT IS!, why do people who claim to be defined by it struggle to be genuinely changed by its power? 

Easter Sunday

Did Jesus truly rise from the dead? Read more…

Finding God’s Favor in Hard Places

The Israelites all cheered after crossing the Red Sea to safety.  But….

Living and Resting in God’s Hand

Have you ever wondered if living a life of faith, and keeping God at the center was the same for people in the Bible as it is for us?

Finding our Place in God’s Plans

“Your eyes saw my unformed body;     ……

Discerning Between Opposition and Opportunity

Is life out of control?

Listen Up and Step Up

Unmasking how little we use our ears and how poorly we often use our mouths is a common point of growth for us in the new family of God.
